Roll With It

By Falmike

Stirring Up Memories

I was given this souvenir programme today, great read, brings back memories, I was there on HMS Fearless. It made for a good start to the day.
Next up, the rugby club as usual, water reported leaking into the gym through the roof. Relatively easy to pinpoint as we only have water in one corner of the building upstairs and sure enough the ice machine overflow/drain hose had come out of the drain line and leaked, judging by the condition of the floor I’d say for some time.
I then had a thirty minute chat with the Business Manager over the parking situation and the proposed camping in June. We both agreed that a little more help from others wouldn’t go amiss.

The evening was ‘Movie Magic Monday’, this week Mrs S and I chose “The Holdovers” and thoroughly enjoyed it, another great film.

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