Ninja Warriors

These girls are fearless, brave, and so full of energy it's unbelievable. They spent a full hour on the Ninja Warrior obstacles and just never seem to tire at all.
I loved the way they help each other, see part of the Collage Extra.
As Gloucestershire schools were back in the classroom this week the place was practically empty, just another couple of children who looked to be about 9 and 10, maybe in the same situation as the twins, different part of the country so half term a week later.
There was a really lovely young man, one of the staff there called Nathan, who stayed with the girls pretty much all of the time. It was primarily from a safety point of view as they are a little small for their 5 years of age. It soon became apparent that he was really enjoying being with them.
At the end we spoke to him and even he said he was amazed at their energy.
They really do take after their mother.

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