Spec & Fairy Gardens

Marlane bought the girls a couple of outfits this week. One was Hermione Grainger and the other was Luna Lovegood, both characters in Harry Potter.
Luna has ornate Spectacles which disappeared, searched high and low, in every room of the house, not luck. So, Marlane printed out the shape of fancy specs, on paper and card so they would be stiff. We painstakingly cut them out, the girls did some amazing cutting, and glued them together so they'd be nice and strong.
In the morning the girls then decorated them, very ornately!
Bottom photo is their fairy gardens. They started by scattering the grass seed and then put in the path etc.
Tip - Scatter the seed AFTER laying the path! As they were inside the grass started to sprout after only a couple of days, after 4 days you can see the result.
The twins have now departed but we'll be travelling to stay with them for 3 days from Wednesday.

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