a new year!

By Thesalh70

Game, set and match!

felt lots better for a good nights sleep. Woke at 7am and we met for breakfast at 8am. nice day and a nice full english to set us up for the day. all packed and off to Wimbledon, via M&S food to stock us up on goodies, and g&t's!

we hit a lot of traffic on the way, but still make it into Wimbledon for noon. the sun is now out and its lovely and warm. As we head out of baggage checks, we see Djokovic practicing in front of the crowds.

A pimms and then me & Li make our way to Court No.1 whilst Lorraine & Lorna head for Centre Court - we have Murray, they have Fed ahead.

great view, even though we are on Row Z! our first match is Fernando Verdasco v's Julien Benneteau. Fernando wins, and then it's Murray v's Lu, our main event! It usually stresses me out watching Murray, but he seemed to breeze through this. He wins by 3-0 sets. Nice gestures as he throws towels and wristbands into the delighted crowd.

Fed is losing on Centre Court as we come out. another Pimms, and we wander around the courts, and finally settle in the gardens at the side of Centre Court, hearing the cheers from there as Fed struggled against Stakhovsky. As the tie heats up we head to Henmans Hill, now known as Murrays Mount. it was packed! the tie tense, and finally, Federer loses, to a relative unknown....Mrs Kirk was gutted.

We head out of Wimbledon, a fantastic day again. Can't wait to apply for the ballot again!

Home by midnight, and am whacked, and full of cold again, head straight for my bed.

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