
By CharlotteJ

Spotted, snapped, blipped

Someone must have been telling me something yesterday! I left my camera in the kitchen overnight, which I don't normally do as after I have blipped the camera normally stays with my laptop. Anyway, popped down to make a cuppa this morning and sitting on the grass was this little fellow...couldn't believe my sleepy eyes. Grabbed the camera and this is the first photo I took before he spotted Tess at the patio doors! I love country life.
Blipping and comments may be hard for me tomorrow as I am accompanying my Dad with my mum to his hospital appointment. Dad has to have a little surgery tomorrow to remove some possible skin cancer. He's having a local but we still worry with him being on warfarin, but I am sure he will be fine.

Happy Thursday everyone

P.S I am taking part in Heart Freek July Photo Challenge - cant wait and then in August an personal challenge that Esper sugguested of starting with the Alphabet

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