
and garden update :)

Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday.

I wasn't feeling too well this morning, so a bit of a lie in.  Its nothing major!

I went to the supermarket to show them the cat litter and what was in the bag.  The customer services lady was absolutely shocked, and called the Manager, who was equally shocked!  

He said he is going to send it back to the supplier....and asked if he could replace it, then brought back 2 bags, and I didn't have to pay anything, so its a bonus for me.  How kind :)

After another rest at home (and catching up with The Apprentice whilst I pottered around, I got out in the garden for an hour or so.

Now sorting out seeds, in order of height etc before the next time I can get in the garden - would have been tomorrow but seems to be raining all day according to the forecast!!

Happy days!   The gardening year is just beginning....looking forward to the perfume of flowers, the buzzing of bees later in the year ;):)

I would love to have a tree, but we're banned from having trees planted in our gardens (its in the deeds of the house), so I'm looking at perhaps getting a really large pot, and small tree at some point :)

Whilst I can't do much in the week due to job hunting, with not much money and no work apart from my 5 hours a week for charity; I'm trying to use my spare time wisely :)

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