Chocolate coloured river!

The Medway was understandably high and flowing quickly. That large branch kept pace with us as we walked along the bank to Allington Locks and Sluice. Just shows how much soil is being removed from farmland.

I had an altercation with three teenagers in Maidstone. One in particular didn’t like me challenge him for tossing stuff over a fence.

Susan had a much better approach than me. She spoke calmly to one of them by saying that she was only concerned for the world they were going to have to live in. She said that she was old but they had their lives before them and would be dealing with the effects of littering, plastic and carelessness for decades.

Note to self, express disappointment in their actions and explain why you’re concerned. Too many people don’t want to get involved. As Incrediblish says, talk and more talk not aggression is the way forward.

Saturday evening. Watching England v Scotland then aperitifs, dinner and Saturday evening chocolate. Glad you liked yesterday’s choices

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