Magnolia bud

The leaden skies and rain which seem to have dogged us all this month continued unabated today. Our walk around Mote Park was in the company of soaking rain. We have a yellow warning of rain overnight in the south east.

Barely enough light to capture today’s blip which is of an emerging magnolia flower. Surely an object of beauty and promise. Oh! for some extended sunshine, this has been one of the dullest, wettest winters I can recall.

We went to spend some time with Doreen this morning. Susan goes every other day and I tend to go on a Sunday morning. They continue to be challenging times.

Yesterday’s blip elicited some interesting responses. I’ve learned more about how to deal with future situations and some of you expressed the view that they would be reluctant to challenge antisocial behaviour because of the possible consequences of doing so. There has to be ways forward or we are going to continue to be held ransom to behaviour of this kind.

Cruel luck on the Italian’s today in the rugby. Sport can be cruel. England on the other hand deserved to lose to Scotland yesterday. Ball retention and execution were appalling.

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