Time to grow some cuttings

Inch plant aka tradescantia zebrina. It’s a little treasure - but the strands grow too long and eventually don’t look so fresh and lovely. So I usually cut off some ends and root them in a glass in the window sill. The rootlets appear within a few days. The only thing is I never get any flowers.
In the extra is a photo taken by my lovely daughter in law R. I took her a few segments of Christmas cactus a couple of months ago. She stuck them in soil and is astonishingly happy and excited to see this tiny baby.
In other news, Saturday being football day (sometimes) - Bristol City lost to a much lower quality team:( rather like them I’m afraid. And my other team Arsenal, beat Newcastle convincingly - a result which cannot be taken for granted. I cooked a huge batch of chilli beans and lentils topped with sweet potato mash, froze 7 portions and ate one:) really good. As well as listening to two football matches, I also enjoyed 4 x The Rest is History podcasts - a series of 4 about 1974 in the UK. It’s funny when history is my lifetime. Really interesting to hear a historical analysis of a period of chaotic events which, it could be argued, led us inexorably to Thatcher. I didn't notice a lot of the issues they discuss - I was having too much fun being a student.

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