
By PaulShelley

Geneva-Nice Day 1

So it is Saturday - the first day of the bike ride. We gently roll out of Genevaat about 7.30 for a group shot by the lake.

It is so early the water jet fountain hasn't been switched on yet. Anyway, when I saw it yesterday it looked like a water cannon being fired up into the air - what's so special about that?

Leaving the city behind we start to ascend. There is a bit of chatting as we climb. Regrouping in Annecy because of a couple of punctures we take a few moments to admire the lake. Here it is - and its a stunner.

Another climb helps the bonding process as five of us latch on to a local cyclist who knows this col and is taking it seriously. To show courtesy I go past him to share some of the work in front in to the wind. The Frenchman doesn't like that and immediately sprints past me. The six of us keep going and stick together. After a few miles up the col I crack and drop back - there is no way I am going to win this ascent. But I get a second wind before the top and at least am not last in our small group. The lunch is laid out on picnic tables at the summit.

Food and the discussion of the climb has helped us get to know each other a bit more. I am finding that this is a very friendly bunch of boys and girls.

Its going to be good...

...oh, and I think this is my 200th Blip. I took a pic of a road sign of the D202 and with a bit of cloning I managed to get it to read as the D200. But how can I not post a picture of this magnificent scenery?

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