79 F/26 C

It will be a day
at home - to nap or not to 
nap - that's my question


I was at the grocer's just after 6. Going off in the dark always seems odd, but I appreciate how quiet the store is. I can get in and out in minutes without standing in a que. 

As I was putting the groceries away, I looked out my kitchen window to see colour developing in the east. Sunrise is always short-lived, so I grabbed my camera and headed out to the front of my house. If nothing else, palm trees make rather nice accessories in a photo! 

The full moon from last night was still hanging in the sky and the mockingbird was singing in the dark. 

I'm in for the day with no particular plans. My quilt has been sorely neglected for over two weeks now. I'll see if I can get back to it today. 

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