75 F/ 24 C

An unsunny day
leaves me without energy
to do very much


We have another cloudy day. No sunshine at daybreak gives me no incentive to be up or productive. It's the doldrums for me. 

I've used my default for a blip this morning. I walked out the back door to sit on my chair hoping for birds to show up for me. I didn't have to wait very long. 

As I sat quietly in my purple pajamas with camera in hand, a hummingbird suddenly flew up in front of me. It posed for just moments giving me something of a side-eye. I imagined it was wondering why this purple thing that wasn't a flower had showed up in its territory. Then, it flew off into the orange tree. Such is the allure of purple pajamas! 

In the past, the resident hummingbird left the orange tree at the end of February. I have been delaying trimming/pruning my orange tree in deference to the hummer. I walked up close to the orange tree for a little inspection. I was talking to the hummingbird I knew was somewhere in the interior of the tree. It suddenly appeared on an outside branch not 4 feet from me to sit and look at me. I had just enough time to focus and click before it flew off. It was making no sounds today.

Up on one of the palms, a pair of doves were sitting peacefully. I had a thought that if I removed these palms (messy, high-maintenance, rather expensive decorations) that my birds might miss them. Perhaps my yard would not be so bird-friendly. I will think about that. 

The colours of my big, old bougainvillea and the lovely lantana brighten my day when it's grey like this. 

I'm home and feeling no energy for quilting or much else. I need some sunshine.  

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