The castle on the crag

We woke to a beautiful sunny morning, the first one for a while, after a light frost. The sun shone all day, though the sky did get a little hazy later. 

I spent some time this morning trying to book a rail ticket for my week in London in April. 'Trainsplit' is a good way of getting reduction on the cost of a ticket, but eventually my confused brain gave up. Mrs M had a go too, but also found it confusing - I'll have to consult the younger generation!

After lunch we drove along to Dunstaffnage Castle, just a few miles up the coast near Dunbeg. It's one of the oldest stone castles in Scotland, built around 1220, on top of a massive outcrop of rock and now largely ruined. We didn't go into the castle having done so before,, but enjoyed a walk around it and down to the shore. 

Beautiful views of Ben Cruachan too, across the water, which is my extra today. 

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