Ilkley Moor; with hats

A sad start to the day; enroute to the course I skidded on black ice, corrected, as did the car behind me, but then came round a corner to find a pickup in the drystone wall with the horse trailer it was towing on its side, a very distraught owner. Offered assistance but others including a vet were already there, so made our way cautiously over to Ilkley.
A glorious but cold day. 
Lots of lost, missing and extra paths all made the Trainees think about remit (for this qualification they must be on a path that is visible both on the map and on the ground). We also spent a goodly while talking about the 3 Cs - competence, consequences & controls.
Oh and we also sat in the group shelter and ate Haribo. Just because. 

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