
Today was forecast to be a good day, sunny and dry.
We decided to walk up Helvellyn as now we’ve completed our Wainwrights we can go wherever we please without feeling we should tick off obscure fells we’ve never been to before. Although that is a very acceptable and enjoyable pastime.
Helvellyn it was then from Swirls car park.
About halfway up we reached the snow and ice line. It was a tad treacherous to say the least. But we survived the experience and are pretty tired now.
It’s LooseCanon’s 3000th Blipiversary today. He should have reached it ages ago but fell by the wayside at one point and so has a large gap!
Anyway his picture is here if you’d like to see it.

This shows the view from the summit. Swirral edge to the left , Red Tarn in the middle and Striding edge to the right. There weren’t many folk going up those dangerous edges today, but lots on the same path as we were in wellies, trainers, etc etc. Luckily they  all seemed to get up and down with no incidents that we heard of.
Mono because….well, I tried it and liked it.
Extra the view towards the west coast and the setting sun . We like  the silvery stream.

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