Living my dream

By Mima

Count to 10

B the plumber arrived as promised at lunchtime, bearing with him a new water pump. Just in case. He is my kind of plumber.

He confirmed that the warranty on the current pump ran out a month ago. He tried to argue the semantics of 30 days with the manufacturer / supplier. I don't need to tell you the outcome of that conversation.

Before he arrived I had found the Instruction Manual for the pump, written in 24 languages. With some difficulty I then found what purports to be the English section of the manual. 

Unfortunately I don't speak Plumblish, and I don't own a Plumblish-Mimish*:Mimish-Plumblish Dictionary, so finding the relevant pages left me none the wiser. 

Thank goodness for plumbers. I read extracts to B. He nodded sagely and made positive grunting noises indicating complete understanding.

He translated. Apparently the pump had karked it because I had turned the water off, and then on again several times too quickly. The pump's brain (plumber's translation) gave up on me and shut down.

It needed to be re-set, by holding the "on" button down for several long seconds (again, I only learnt this in plumber's translation).

He did just that. And like magic, the pump was working again.

The long term remedy is after I have turned off a tap, I must count to 10 before I turn it (or another one) on again. Thankfully I have decades of practice counting to 10 - albeit for very different reasons - so this will come naturally to me.

B was Chez Mima for a total of 15 minutes and he didn't even need to brave the impressive cobwebs under the bathroom floor. 

We waved at each other cheerily as he drove away. Since he left I have had a shower, watered the beans and beetroots, done a load of washing and washed up a huge pile of dirty pots and dishes.

*=Mima's English

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