Llawn a gwag

Llawn a gwag ~ Full and empty

“I'm going to marry my novels and have little short stories for children. I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.”
― Jack Kerouac

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Roedden ni’n meddwl heddiw sut mae pethau yn mynd yn rownd a  rownd. Dych chi’n gwneud y golchi ac yna dechrau llenwi'r bin golchi, dych chi’n glanhau’r tŷ ac mae’n dechrau mae'n dechrau mynd yn fudr eto. Yr un peth gyda llestri, ayyb.  Beth sy’n llawn yn bod yn wag, felly dych chi’n ei llenwi eto. Rownd a rownd. Mae rhaid i ni jyst mwynhau'r proses…!

Heddiw gwnes i bobi torth  fara, smwddio rhai o bethau, ysgrifennu adolygiad llyfr, datrys problem gyda chyfrifiadur … a lanwodd y crochan halen.  Roedd diwrnod llawn, ond mae diwrnod wag yn dechrau yfory. Gyda beth fyddan ni’n ei llenwi?

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We were thinking today how things go round and round. You do the washing and then start filling the washing bin, you clean the house and it starts it starts getting dirty again. The same with dishes, etc. What is full becomes empty, so you fill it again. Round and round. We just have to enjoy the process…! 

Today I baked a loaf of bread, ironed some things, wrote a book review, solved a problem with a computer... and filled the salt pot. It was a full day, but an empty day starts tomorrow. With what will we fill it?.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pot halen gwag
Description (English): An empty salt pot

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