Magnificent trees …..

….. ….. ….. on the Kokako Walkway, which Missy & I walked this morning, from Haast Township out to Haast Beach.
These trees are part of the podocarp forest that was always here, when Maori were first in New Zealand and when Capt James Cook first arrived. They’re huge & magnificent. I believe that the tallest ones are kahikitea, or white pine. There’s a lot of still water on either side of the track at the beginning, with a large variety of our native trees & shrubs growing profusely. It’s a wonderful walk - Extras.

My friend picked us up at the beach end of our walk and we drove south to Jackson’s Bay, where we had beautifully cooked seafood meals at The Craypot, right by the wharf - Extras. Wandering around afterwards wasn’t much fun as the sandflies had caught up with us. They’re evil little critters on the West Coast!

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