
Today’s visit to the Nigerian Redeemed Christian Church of God in Bangor is a far cry from our usual Sunday morning. Both of us have strong Christian roots - G from austere Welsh Baptist stock, me from Church in Wales Anglicanism - but as far as attendance is concerned, it’s far from frequent. So just how we ended up as guests of the New Wave of Glory Parish is interesting to say the least - and too long and convoluted a tale to relay here. 

Suffice to say, I’m very apprehensive; I know this will be far more evangelical than I’m used to, and I struggle with unfamiliar situations.  And when we eventually find the service located in a converted bar in the university’s Business Centre, we’re warmly welcomed and ushered to the front row  - not the location I would naturally have chosen. 

The service is certainly unfamiliar, but it’s completely joyful - continuous upbeat music and fine singing, lots of swaying and clapping to the music (very restrained in our case!), plenty of uninhibited congregational involvement. G has been asked to bring his violin to play ‘Abide with me’, accompanied by the house band and amplified by microphone, much to his discomfort; the congregation sing following the words on their mobile phones. 

At the end of the service, we’re called up to the front and thanked for our attendance. I’m presented with flowers and chocolates, and our friend is presented with a huge plaque in recognition of her contribution to the community. I suspected the flowers may have been meant for her too, but she refuses to accept them from me. 

And then it’s hugs and photographs. Everyone wants to be photographed with us and the embraces are completely genuine. Our smiles are wide and constant - it’s utterly joyous and I’m so pleased we accepted the invitation. 

Unsurprisingly, I’m pretty much drained by the whole thing, and once we’re home - a long journey due to yet more A55 roadworks - I just collapse for the remainder of the day! 

It’s taken an age to go through the photos, let alone choosing what to post …… so it’s a rather large temporary set of images. Apology for the rather grainy quality of some  - limited light and lots of movement don’t make ideal conditions! 

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