Springwinter walk

We were both feeling a bit more energetic today and in view of the glorious weather we went out for a local walk. The sun was shining and felt warm and there was hardly a breath of wind. The night had been well below freezing so the snow had frozen hard and all the snow mobile tracks could hold our weight. That fifth season, springwinter, has arrived!
We were not the only creatures outside enjoying the weather. As we walked we spotted a strange beast a couple of hundred metres away. Bigger than a fox and moving in a strange way, but it was just too far away to see what it was. So we left the road and walked on the scooter tracks towards the beast. As we got closer it didn't run away, which seemed strange. Then we saw that it was actually two young foxes tussling together like a pair of puppies. As we got even closer they broke apart and ran back and forth for a while before they headed up the hill to the forest where I suspect their den and mother were waiting.
Jan set off for home while I walked a little further.
Once home I baked the rye bread I've been preparing since yesterday and it seems to have baked well. I must wait until tomorrow to actually cut it open to see how the crumb looks.
Must stop here because Blipfoto is having a maintenance stop in a short while and I want to get my picture posted.  See you all tomorrow!

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