Yesterday's Rye Bread bake.

This is a bit of a nerdy, sourdough blip so if you aren't that interested in baking sourdough bread just check out this picture (flickr)  of a brave blue tit. I'm filling the bird feeder and this cheeky bird sat on a nearby branch waiting for me to get out of the way!
And now onto the bread...
I am trying to improve my rye bread baking and have felt happy with this, and the previous bake. They are by no means perfect but they are baked through and do taste good. This sort of bread is meant to be solid, with a dense crumb, so that is fine. However, the lower part of the loaf is much denser than the upper part - room for improvement there.
The recipe comes from Henrik on The Bread Code on YouTube. Hendrik is a German baker (working in English) and he reckons that only the Germans and the Nordics like this bread. It IS an acquired taste, and I've acquired it! (Yet another sourdough baking channel created by a software engineer! What is it about sourdough baking and software engineers?)
I have found the low gluten and gluten free  breads really hard to bake well, and have sometimes produced dough bricks or gluey centers when attempting these breads. But now I am getting closer to a good result, at least with rye!
This was baked yesterday; today I have started a traditional sourdough wheat bread, for baking tomorrow.
We had a fairly full day today but all the rest of it is described by Jan is her blip, just here.

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