Twa Dookers and a Wee Dug

It’s as if Anthony Gormley had come to Porty Beach with female sculptures this morning when I saw this view.

It wasn’t the best day to bare all in the briny - dull and subject to drizzly showers, but most of the ‘dook’ was done in the dry. It was only when I got to the bus stop and saw a 10minutes wait for a #26 bus that the drizzle was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I called up an Uber. I’ve had the App on my phone for years but belong to the generation that were brought up to avoid travelling by taxi if possible and so have never been in an Uber before. Today was the first - beach to Dower House with Eric an ethnic Chinese lad born and brought up in Edinburgh. What a treat not to shiver in a bus stopping 24times before reaching Princes Street. The comfort and convenience is all reflected in the price however, and so unfortunately it won’t be a regular habit.

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