Spring is in the air

I did a couple of hours of proper work today, starting to get the company and our individual self assessment accounts ready.

I’ve actually got to make it a 15 month transition year for HMRC purposes as they bring those with different accounting dates into line with the Treasury’s tax year of 6th April. (Ours was always 1st Jan - 31st Dec)

Did you know the tax year has been these dates since 1800? I didn’t until I looked it up. Seems the Treasury introduced this change to make sure there was no loss of revenue for them. Why does that not surprise me!

So actually it works well, as we finished our company work on 1st December last year before we moved and although I am technically still self employed rather than retired, it means I can apportion admin charges and other bits and pieces to the company in these 3 transition months, rather than do a complete year for 2023, and then start one part year, if that makes sense.

So, blip-wise, this pretty little ‘lesser celandine’ was found on my morning dog walk through the woods. I had actually looked up what constitutes spring is in the air before we went out and this was one of the flowers it stated. Clearly identified by its glossy heart shape leaves.

Anne and I have co-hosted Tiny Tuesday this month, and I’ve very much enjoyed it although it’s not a challenge I follow on a regular basis, but now I’m in the habit, who knows…..  

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