
This little Blippi had a bad dream through the night.  He woke up crying and so upset. I cuddled him back to sleep. In the morning he said he had lost me and he was by himself and then he cried again.  Bless it really affected him and he didn't want me to leave him at nursery.  

It's been a day and a half for sure. A certain Mr made a silly comment that annoyed me. I only work 4 hours I shouldn't be knackered.  Well my shift today felt like double that and I have the war wounds from today to show that. 

Harp has been at martial arts and Xander is away in. He wasn't planning on taking part so he didn't put on his outfit before we left but he changed his mind when we got Harp. 

I'll try and catch up with u all tomorrow when I'm at the hospital with Lincoln.  
Thanks for the well wishes for him 

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