So small

Quite a early start. Lincoln was a little nervous for today so he came and woke me just after 3am. 

He did amazing today. His surgeon is impressed with his healing.  She said he did a crazy job and it was a bad unstable break. She laughed too as she said she was just about to pour a glass of wine when she got the phonecall for her to come into surgery when he first broke it. 

Thankfully today he was only in theatre for around half an hour. He took a while to come round but when he did he had a few snacks as he was starving.  

His bandage can come off in two days and then he can finally get dunked in the bath. He wanted me to draw him a rose. And declared " if you die I'll always remember you from this rose ". Hahaha out of the mouths of babes. 

He's now off school until Monday 

The big wildlings and the jedi have had a good day. Their school is great and let Xander know that all went well. He was a little stressed this morning.  

Xander has been a star too. He has completed all his homework this week already.  This has never happened.  So I'm very impressed. 

Mr R  didn't sleep great last night either so a early night will be on both our cards . 

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