Visiting the Neighbours

East Linksness, which is where the neighbours used to bide.  This house was latterly used as a byre as evidenced by the stalls inside.  We then went for a rake around the grounds of the now empty Hoy Manse (currently on the market).  In a quite stiff westerly wind we struggled along to Quoydale to see CMC's brother.  His wife was in Kirkwall but he was still able to make us a cup of tea.  Last night there was a scrabbling noise outside the bedroom window.  CMC asked me to investigate.  In the moonlight l could just make out Rula Lenska.  I opened the window and shouted 'Oi, Rula, you're bang out of order.'  It was 03.05hrs.  The Current Mrs Creel made me a horlicks and adjusted my appliance. There was no sign of Rula this morning.  We are only thankful it wasn't Mary Beard.

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