Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Another big long walk

My human is getting lazier and lazier. She's not got a job and the 'Open Door', where she was hoping to volunteer, hasn't even had the decency to get back to her (and she filled in the application form for that almost three weeks ago). It's almost like being back in lock down again because she has absolutely nothing to do, apart from walk me and watch a lot of TV. No wonder she's the fattest that she's ever been in her life?!!! And then................. she got really cross with me not that it was my fault because an article popped up on her 'Google newsfeed' to say that if you walk 10,000 steps a day, then in 10 weeks you will be able to lose 10lbs?????? Honestly where does this information come from? Do the reporters just pluck a few numbers out of thin air? In the last week, the lowest number of steps we have walked is 23,105. Well, that's what Ann's walked. I've obviously done more than that because I run around a lot. And no; Ann hasn't even lost an ounce?!!!

Anyway this afternoon we walked 8.5 miles. It wasn't the most exciting walk in the world because for a lot of the time I was on my lead. I got let off every now and again for a play in a park but as it had been raining all morning and was also raining at the start of my walk, the grass in all the parks was very muddy. Just look at the state of my tummy.

And in other news................... The headlines on the local TV news tonight........... is that a 65 yr old dog walker was shot dead whilst walking his dog in Aberfeldy at 8.30am in the morning. Scarey?! We walk around all over the place together and until now, Ann's never felt in danger, but there just seems to be more and more incidents of things happening to people who are out walking their dogs. 

Today our walk took us up 'Coffin Lane' (a set of steps beside a cemetery). It's a bit eerie because there are high walls on each side, with no means of escape. Fortunately today there were three couples walking towards us. Phew!  As soon as we started walking up the steps, we encountered a very strange looking 'young man'. He was just lurking around on his phone. He stank of cannabis and was giving us funny looks. Ann made me walk quicker. I didn't even have time to hoover up the discarded burgers/kebabs that were lying on the ground. 

Ann's bestie, Caroline, is able to track where we are on her phone, but we haven't seen Caroline for over a year. Ann's thinking for H&S reasons we should maybe give a few other people access to track us. What do you think?

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