Prestonpans to Piershill

Another day when we had absolutely nothing to do so we jumped on a no. 26 bus to Prestonpans and walked all the way along the coast to Portobello (7.73 miles if anyone is interested). The plan was to get a no. 45 bus from the end of Portobello, but (as is the norm in Edinburgh at the moment) the road by the bus stop was getting dug up so the bus stop was closed. Whilst walking to the next bus stop, the no. 45 bus went whizzing by. As the no. 45 bus only runs every half an hour, we continued walking until we got to Piershill where a no. 5 bus was due in 5 mins. Phew!!

I was a tired little Collie pup when I got on the bus. I immediately lay down in good dog mode and slept the whole way home. Ann wishes that she could have lain down and slept all the way home. She'd made the mistake of stopping half way through the walk for some chips & gravy lunch from the little caravan on the beach near Musselburgh harbour. When Ann rests during a long walk her whole body seems to seize up so then she struggles with the rest of the walk. #oldage

Anyway, I had a lovely time today because I was off my lead for about 2 hours. I ran and ran and ran. I rolled and rolled and rolled on my back on grass and sand. I did a little bit of splish, splash, sploshing in the sea. I had fun, fun, fun! I even found a red manky old ball, but when I went to pick it up, I discovered it was in two halves and I couldn't carry both bits so I just left it where it was. ...........I was a bit sad about that........... I thought I could carry one half and Ann could carry the other half and then she could have stuck it together for me when we got home. Mmmmmm........... Ann said she wasn't going to put half a manky old ball in her pocket or bag, let alone even touch it?!! Boooohooo!

So that's been our day........................ When we got home about 3.30pm I gobbled up all my breakfast (that I hadn't eaten earlier) and then I went straight into my bed and have been snoozing ever since. Ann lay on the sofa and watched an hour of Eastenders but now she's got to think about feeding us both. I might get up for my dinner. On the other hand, since I had such a late breakfast, I might just stay in bed until it's time to go out for my bedtime wee.


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