
I found this in our far back garden today. It's not a  big one but it's horrible nevertheless. I couldn't bring myself to shift it yet. Terry would normally do the honours but he can't re his hip operation so tomorrow I will have to man up and get rid of it. Cringe!
Been out for a couple of bits today and pottered about at home, pegging out washing then dashing to bring it in due to rain. The forecast was for a fine day and I did a large load of washing last evening on the strength of it, so I could peg it out this morning. I managed to get it in before the heavy rain but I'm still naffed off at the totally incorrect forecast. 
Terry is getting about a bit better, I can tell and getting up from sitting more easily. His wound was itching like mad last night which is certainly better than pain. He slept better last night although he said he was up in the night for the loo around 4am. 
I got a new cardiology appointment in the post today and it's for Saturday morning! Wow. ECG first, then see the cardio doctor. I have no idea why it's been brought forward but I'm pleased as I thought it was going to be put back!

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