Garden & health
Did a bit in the garden today but it wasn't a lot as still feeling a bit naff re the new medication. I snipped a few bits and bobs, removed a bit of moss here and there and picked up some twigs that blew in when it was windy the other day.
The pharmacist rang me to see how I was doing on the new medication so I told her my list of side effects and that I couldn't feel any benefit from it, only negative effects and while I was speaking to her I had a missed call from My GP.
I rang the surgery and they said she will ring me later. Having discussed it with my GP on the phone (as I had seen the HCA earlier for a BP and pulse check at which I reeled off my side effects) I am stopping it as of now. She is increasing my diltiazem as cardiology advised. She said if I wasn't feeling any improvement in 3 to 4 weeks to contact her and she will refer me back to cardiology but cardiology said they'd call me back in 3 months anyway - although I have not yet received an appointment for that.
GP surgery was quiet again today when I went - only one more person in the waiting room and she was seeing the HCA before me. There were more people in the reception office than patients!
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