Double Shot Mummy


Last day of nursery for the school year

Oscar and Bailee with their lovely teacher. They had a wild time today at their class party! They got to dress up, played musical chairs (Bailee told me she won), and of course eat party food.

Apparently Oscar ate a chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing. Bailee ate a "na-nilla" cupcake with yellow and white icing. Apparently they ate cookies, popcorn and chips and didn't eat any fruit or vegetables, "Because they are snacks!"

Oscar especially was delighted to give his teacher and their teacher aid a gift and a card they made.

We had a very happy afternoon. The twins are getting more excited every day about going to the magical place they envision, New Zealand, 7 more sleeps!

We spent the afternoon drawing and writing. I am amazed at what they are doing now. Bailee is very interested in writing letters and holds the pen very well. Oscar likes to say his phonics and drew as spider and a monster.

Maple is still not well but I am delighted to say that her temperature is coming down slowly and I think she is finally on the mend. Poor baby, it has been a rough week for her.

Next week is going to be crazy busy getting ready and packed!

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