Double Shot Mummy


Unsettled Maple

The only way I seem to be able to get her to sleep. Thank goodness for baby carriers. It has been almost two weeks now and because of her fever and feeling so rotten, Maple has been sleeping terribly. It has been hard to get her to settle for her naps and she is waking countless times in the night, restless and grizzly. Prior to this she only woke 1-2 times max in the night. I think she has also got into some very tiring habits. Hopefully, once she is all better she will sleep more soundly and feel more vitalised in the day. She is usually such a happy baby.

It was family fun day today. We did a bit of shopping at Ibn Battuta Mall for small toys to keep the trio amused on the plane. We all had a snack at Limetree Cafe and bought a few warmer items in the sales for the children in NZ. I think we are going to feel the cold!

This afternoon Stu and the twins played around with creating a 3d marble chute. You construct the 'raceway' and drop marbles from the top. It is quite captivating. Oscar, Bailee (And Stu), were totally engrossed and Maple enjoyed watching it too!

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