Tiny Tiger Pleads: Don't Take Down the Tree!

Bringing peace to all the world and good will to man. . . .

So yes, we still had our large Christmas tree up by the deck doors. I usually take it down after the Super Bowl, but when the Super Bowl came and went, we agreed to leave it up a bit longer. Today, I decided it was time to take down the tree. December 11 to February 27; that's a pretty good run!

I laughed to think that it felt like we should get out Bing Crosby's White Christmas album and play it backwards, as we did so. You know, go back and do everything in reverse?  !samtsirhC etihw a fo gnimaerd m'I hO

Tiny Tiger was devastated, and in fact, he and the Anteater positioned themselves on the tree to try to prevent all of this from happening. "Call me Tiny 'Butterfly' Tiger," he said, in a voice that was both brave and a bit forlorn sounding; "But I won't surrender this tree!" Do you recognize the red cardinal to the left of T. Tiger? Yes, that's the cardinal from the gift of Christmas greens!

But in spite of the protests, take down the tree I did. It got taken apart and placed into a box, and the ornaments are packed away for another *checks watch* nine months or so. I'm so sorry, Tiny Tiger. Christmas will come again; you'll see. 

And of course, we can keep Christmas in our HEARTS all year long by being thankful for our blessings, sharing our gifts, taking care of the stranger, loving our neighbor, and offering grace to everyone we meet.

Our soundtrack song is a favorite of T. Tiger, the Anteater, the cardinal, and the rest of our critter crew (and also a favorite of big sister Barb, watching down from Heaven): here are the Royal Guardsmen, with Snoopy's Christmas.

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