Them Heavy People

This lift has a safe working load of 2000kg. At the time the photo was taken, the only occupants were me, Mrs C, a small trolley and one bag of shopping. And yet, if you look closely at the information panel, it says “Overload!” in bright red letters.
Should I have been worried? If it had been a lift at the top of the Empire State Building, I may well have stepped back out but, as the distance from M&S shop floor down to the car park is only twenty foot or so, I reckoned we’d probably be ok even if there was a catastrophic failure and the lift plummeted downwards.
This was actually our third supermarket visit of the morning - there are certain items that M&S do not sell, so we had to go to Lidl. And because Lidl didn’t have exactly what we wanted, we had to go to Aldi as well. In fact, truth be told, I nipped into Morrisons whilst Mrs C was in Aldi (they’re opposite each other) so that’s four supermarkets in total.
With all that walking around - and the fact we’d had a PT Session first thing - we felt we had definitely earned the cakes which “accidentally” fell into our basket in one of the aforesaid stores.

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