When You See Them, I'll be there...

Today we said goodbye to a dear friend.

I sat in the crematorium, and gazed out of the window, making my mind think of 100 different scenarios to take my mind off the terrible sadness.

It was raining outside, big fat wet splashes, and magpies danced outside on the beautifully manicured lawns. One for Sorrow, two for Joy, three for a girl ....

When her man stood to speak, there was no helping me... my tears ran down my face, just like the rain drops on the window.

Toolibelle and I left the building arm and arm, and hugged the family, and we drove back home all the while contemplating the finality of it all.

That is it; gone; no more. Everything that happens from here on it, will be unknown to them... No more. No nothing. It hurts to know you will never see them again, never laugh, never giggle...

And then, I got out the car and on the window, stuck fast, despite the rain, was a little note from the Mothership to tell me that everything is okay, and everyone is on board and safe, and aware of everything that is going on, and more.


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