Abstract Thursday

Cropped and tilted. Light shining through chair in my bedroom. I see this everyday.

I had a face to face physio session today which was the end of my contracted 6 weeks rehab. We did a heap of measurements to see how I am doing compared to the preop assessment. Some I was actually better at including quad strength which was a surprise and balance. Still need ongoing work to improve my confidence and flexion and I have made another appointment in a month. We have changed lots of the exercises and added some hydrotherapy ones when I get the all clear from the dr to go in the pool.

After that I had post op X-rays which have been sent to my inbox. I’m pleased to see it looking ok (not that I am an expert reading X-rays).

We’ve had a hot day here so after the big physio session I collapsed on the bed and missed lunch.

Maddy came after school but not much else to report.

Just want to say thanks for all the great ideas for my rash. It is a bit better tonight but still itchy. Another night of antihistamine will hopefully make it even better. 

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