Enemy of the People

We love a trip to London and today I had got tickets for the recent adaptation of the Ibsen play - with 21st century interpretation.  It was well acted, thought provoking and made a change from a musical!  The second half 'town hall' element was the best involving the audience but which started with a great speech from Matt Smith, I probably won't quote it accurately (have looked for the script on line to no avail), but something along the lines of 'it takes 12 days to count to 1 million, but would take 32 years to count to a billiion' thereby trying to illustrate what being a 'billionaire' means.  The gulf between the richest and the poorest is huge and the richest should do more to help the poorest?!  

Hopefully the start of more visits to London after a few months hiatus. 

The day started and ended less well - with a flat battery on the car - but Nat West black insurance/AA cover was first class with the bloke arriving 45 minutes after the call.  Apparently I had left the ignition on which had drained the battery?  It ended when we got home (didn't bother eating out as we had ice cream and sweeties and a quick drink in the pub before the train) with another bloody parking fine on the doorstep.  Visited the Turner contemporary a few weeks ago and were 8 minutes late back to the car, thereby incurring a £60 fine.  Bloody ANPR recognition car parks - caveat emptor - never going to get caught out again - there is no leeway and that 8 minutes worked out at £7.50 per minute to park.

Rant over  and it didn't spoil a nice day.

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