Bird Art

A quite hectic day by our standards!
First we had uke class then I attended my Pilates class. Late afternoon we headed towards Eastleigh as we had been invited to visit a Squirrels Cub Pack on behalf of our RSPB group to do some bird related activities with them. Squirrels are a new club under the Scout umbrella, for children aged 4-6 years old. As their name suggests, Squirrels ( in this case, 10 boys and 2 girls) are very very lively! These were intent on spending the hour long meeting scampering around the Scout Hall. Some of the time we managed to persuade them to pretend to be birds, and for  about five minutes they stayed still enough to colour in some pictures of birds( see blip entry. )
We came away with huge respect for the Squirrels Leader; she was excellent at gently channelling their energies into constructive activities and games.  
After a cup of tea back home, we were off again to the monthly Winchester Uke Jam, which was an excellent evening as always.

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