I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Today was back to the uncompromisingly grey conditions that seem to have predominated for weeks now so it turned into very much another slow blip day and therefore today's 'effort' is very much of the emergency kind. At least it's colourful! :-)
Surely everyone has one of these boxes at home where they keep all their, frankly quite useless, bit and bobs. Very rarely have I actually found anything in there that I've been looking for and yet we never empty it and it still has pride of place in one of our kitchen cupboards.
At the moment it contains three very small balls of string, a door hinge, two sets of shoes laces (we have no shoes that are missing any laces), an out of date 13 amp fuse, three rawl plugs, a tiny wooden chick with a snapped off beak, some curtain hooks, two plastic cash bags, buttons of various denominations, a drive belt for our last vacuum cleaner but two, some green ribbon, a spare tail light bulb for a car that I no longer own, the snapped off edge of a kitchen worktop and a small section of a doorbell chain. Despite its undoubted failure to locate almost anything that we have been missing I know for a fact that that box will be still sitting in our kitchen cupboard giving unwarranted hope to those searching for a lost 'bit', or indeed 'bob', well into the next millennia.

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