Bright on dark

A windy night, which fortunately calmed down a bit as it got light, though still pretty wet. Busy morning with Photo Club stuff. 

Fortunately it had dried up by lunchtime so I could walk to the gym. I can't deny that it's pretty boring on the machines and I find myself clock-watching! I managed to do my usual nine machines and then, as usual, found myself the only person in the room!

Walked back via the town as I wanted to see the man in the camera shop. A neighbour is looking for a portrait for his website and camera shop man agreed to do it. 

The sky over the islands was black, but over the town the sun was shining - my Blip today. Met another neighbour and stopped for a blether. When I got home it was to find that the water was off - yet another BWM! - and while I was out filling buckets from the water butt the heavens opened and I was bombarded with hail! Fortunately the BWM must have been repaired quickly as soon after 4pm the water was back on again.

Another exciting day!

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