Sew it is..

Of all the unfinished projects in this house, which will I tackle today? Will I knit, paint, read, sketch, or sew?  

Of all the unfinished projects in the house, which has been the most neglected these past couple of years?  No contest..that would be that unfinished quilt hanging on the quilt wall in the sewing room (extra) ..the one I lost interest in when the blocks became so challenging and frustrating ..4 tiny little triangles to attach to a tiny little square to make a block..repeat that 56 times!  Oh.. and be precise as they all have to be strung together with the points matching perfectly to make a border which has to be precisely the right measurement to be sewn on to the previous border...Geez...

That would be the most neglected project..and for good reason...But I do want to get that quilt off that I thought, "maybe if I just set up the sewing machine, thread it, get out the fabric and the ironing board, that would be a start..then maybe, if my enthusiasm has not yet waned, sew one or two of those infuriating blocks? Just one would be enough....As the saying goes..Think Big, Start Small..."

And Sew I did..I started small...

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