Afternoon Stroll

We woke up to a sunny and breezy day. I did a little house work. Hubby spent hours trying to find us 10 consecutive days at one of our favorite campgrounds. Two were booked solid for most of the summer. The other one had “our” site available but the gift certificate he bought did not have a “pin” and the on line registration would not accept it. He got frustrated and simply used his credit card. After 45 more minutes on the phone a couple different state park reps, they finally sent him a new certificate with a pin. We will use it later in the year. After lunch, we decided to take a walk at our nearby park. No telling when we’ll get a sunny day again. I took tons of pictures but neither had everything I wanted to capture. The best backgrounds had gray green water. The best river colors were up against pitiful backgrounds. And others had too many shadows. I let hubby choose my blip. We had a good walk and enjoyed the outdoors and lovely scenery. That was the best part of the outing. It’s nap time. I hope to finish the book I am reading. We have one more night of leftovers and then I will have to cook again. Sending wishes for a relaxing day. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “A beach walk is for stretching your legs and your mind, for looking at life with newfound eyes. “ - Sandy Gingras.

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