
By Wildwood

Leap Day Musings

A Leap Day observation:
In the process of trying to 'fix' my phone a couple of weeks ago, a new software update was installed. Along with the new 'better' software (a suggestion I have always found dubious) come little reminders about how to use all the new and improved features. One such can be found in settings: understand how much time you spend on your devices. Set limits on how long and when apps can be used. Restrict apps, websites and more.

So let me see if I get this straight. I'm to understand how much time I spend on my devices by spending more time on my device? Couldn't I just put my phone in a drawer?  Are such suggestions deliberate, accidental or just unthinking.? Or maybe I just have too much time right now to think....

My picture today, 'shapes' is the back of a clever, non technical device used by the assistants in the Physical therapy clinic to keep track of different clients' time with an ice pack or a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) device. The fluorescent ceiling lights can be seen through the wire screen with magnets on it. My physical therapist, Julia, was pleased with my progress today and I must say, getting rid of the walker and standing on my own two feet was a powerful boost. 

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