Monstera deliciosa

The monstera deliciosa, like the arum lily and peace lily, are members of the araceae family. Like several plants in our garden, It is native to the tropical forests of southern Mexico to Panama. I've been to the rainforests of Mexico and after all the rain that fell while we were away in New Zealand, the garden resembled one, even more so than usual.

The flowers are contained on the central corn-on-the-cob like structure (spadix) and the white part which I think of as a petal is really a bract (spathe). The spadix is an edible fruit when ripe and its smell will tell you when it is. I love how it has stamped itself on the spathe.

My extra is for Joe Tree Day. I took it in Invercargill, New Zealand, in the beautiful municipal park I wrote about in a recent blip. It was blowing a hoolie in Invercargill that day (maybe a typical day) but in this part of the park it was completely sheltered. The sun was out and we saw a hare. Peaceful.

Thanks for hosting flower Friday BikerBear. Thanks for hosting Joe Tree Day, Cailleach. A happy weekend to blippers of the world. 

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