New Colours
I've had such fun putting this room back together again. The new colours are darker than I thought, but I'm pleased with them. I've enjoyed finding things throughout the house that blend in. Of course, there may have been a few new purchases.
The sun shone this morning, and as my plans changed, I headed to the allotment. It was bitterly cold, thank goodness for winter gardening gloves.
My boy and Yuri left Korea today, headed for Hong Kong before they arrive here next week. I was sorting his room this afternoon when I noticed the teenagers back down on the swing outside. I decided to leave them there, we had removed the bridge over the burn, so surely they wouldn't come into the garden again? Blow me, 20 minutes later, when I looked out the window, there were 6 of them in the garden trying to open my shed! Little S%&#@/&!
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