75 F/ 24 C

Follow the map and
find the studios. Lots of
art is to be found! 


Today is the start of ArtTrails hosted by members of the Mountain Shadows Artists Association. The public is invited to visit the studios shown on a map. Individual members set up their art for display and sale. A stamp is added to the 'passport' of the visitors to the studios with a chance to win art prizes at the end. 

A beautiful sunny day was unfolding as I drove up to Studio # 2, hosted by my friends L and P. L's portion featured textiles, pastels, watercolor and acrylics. P displayed her fused glass, encaustics and pastels. 

I had a difficult time choosing what to purchase but I picked a sweet rabbit with a chick in glass for Easter at home from P's collection. From L I chose a lovely pastel that reminded me of our painting out at Mittry Lake. It will remain here in Yuma.  I enjoyed our chat in between customers. 

I was home again in time for lunch. I will be looking for a nap this afternoon. 

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