72 F/ 22 C

Mario Lanza
of the bird world performs in
my backyard palm tree!


I was up at 6:30 making my coffee. I managed to sleep almost 8 1/2 hours which amazed me. It must be the purple pajamas 

This is the second and last day of our Art Trails and I really should be out again touring the studios to support my fellow members. However, I really don't have the energy to be out and about today. I'd best stay home and check off a few jobs that need doing before I depart. 

The mockingbird has been singing since I got up in the dark. I stepped out the back door with my camera in hopes of finding him near. He was up in my palm tree singing into the sun. He seems to like a high lookout. He turns in all directions as he sings as though scouting  the neighbourhood. I wish I could take him home with me.

I will have to get dressed to get some laundry done. It will be a very  low mileage day as I don't have the energy for much. 

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