A tree to commemorate Joe Tree, the founder of Blipfoto. In 2004 he challenged himself to share a photo every day and then a few people asked if they could use his website to post their photos. In 2006 he opened up the Blipfoto site, initially inviting 15 others to join and comment on entries and since then it has grown to include thousands of contributors worldwide. It would be interesting to know how many members and countries are now represented. Joe’s personal vision has brought a great deal of inspiration, help and advice, knowledge, friendship and pleasure to us.   
I see the tree trunk symbolising Joe Tree with those who joined him initially, being the leading branches and the team who assist in running Blipfoto spreading their help and expertise throughout the blip tree. Just as more people join throughout the world and contribute their photos and thoughts, the tree branches continue to grow further stretching out in all directions.

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