Give us this day...

Our daily bread!
We have a guest for the weekend...Mr A's pal Dave is visiting from Oxford so I have two 'mungry' mouths to feed.
Mr A was given a shopping list this morning which had basic stuff like bread, milk & eggs on. He managed milk and some flowers for me so it wasn't all bad!. I offered to make a loaf but neither men were interested, saying they weren't bothered. Wise woman I am made one anyway and it was half gone before it had even cooled!!!
Mr A's challenge for tomorrow is to find something to do/somewhere to go with Dave (while I'm at work). The best idea so far has been Blackpool Pleasure Beach glad I'm at work! but that's weather dependant.
Knowing my man they will probably both have a lie in (not together....well, I hope not!!!!!) find somewhere for lunch, then sit around gossiping like a pair of old women until I get home.

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