TFI Friday!

This just about sums up the week! I'm glad it's weekend as I don't think I could cope with another day of disasters!!! (I work in several different places so its not Fawlty Towers Dental Practice)
On Monday I had too short appointment times and a water jet that was less jet & more drip.
Tuesday was more of the same with the added bonus of a man who shouted at me. When told I wouldn't tolerate being shouted at he replied 'I'M NOT SHOUTING'!
Wednesday was leaky plumbing, with hand washing restricted to the staff toilets.
Yesterday was a computer meltdown; no access to the appointment book or clinical notes (luckily I pre-empted this or I would have been in a mess!)
And today.....the leaky roof dripping through the light in the corridor.
I hasten to add as I'm sure a couple of lovely blippers will no doubt be thinking it IT'S NOT ME!! I turn up, do my job (as best as is possible under the circumstances) and go home.

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